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Feel The Magic

Feel The Magic

Feel the Magic is an Australian charity providing grief education programs for kids aged 7 to 18, who experience the death of a parent, guardian, or sibling.
Sadly, 1 in every 20 Aussie children will experience the death of a parent before they turn 18 years old. To put this into perspective, there is most likely a child grieving the loss of a parent in every classroom in every Australian school. In addition to this, children also experience sibling and legal guardian loss. Research shows that childhood bereavement causes disruptions in relational, academic, and occupational functioning later in life, and is associated with greater risk of maladaptive coping, mental health disorders, substance abuse, suicide, and early mortality

Feel The Magic aims to reduce the associated mental health impacts of childhood bereavement, we:

  • Help kids to understand what grief is and how it feels for them
  • Teach kids practical tools for managing their grief in healthy ways
  • Increase their confidence to be able to manage the emotions that come from grief
  • Connect grieving kids & families to a community of people who understand what they’re going through
  • Give kids and their families a shared language for talking about and understanding grief

Hayden & Aimee

The Camp Magic

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