Hitting the road in a rental car can be exciting, but unexpected situations can arise. Knowing what to do in case of a breakdown or accident can make a big difference. This guide will equip you with the knowledge and steps to navigate these emergencies calmly and efficiently. 

Why Preparation Matters 

Facing car trouble or an accident, especially in unfamiliar territory, can be stressful. By familiarizing yourself with common issues and procedures beforehand, you’ll be better prepared to handle the situation effectively. This can minimize delays, ensure your safety, and help resolve the situation smoothly. 

What Causes Rental Car Breakdowns? 

Breakdowns can happen for various reasons, some preventable, others not. Here are some common culprits: 

  • Mechanical Mishaps: It’s important to remember that rental cars are constantly in use. While rental companies strive for meticulous maintenance, things can go wrong. Here are some specific mechanical woes you might encounter:

    • Tyre Troubles: Flat tyres are a common occurrence, especially on long journeys. They can be caused by punctures from road debris, uneven wear and tear, or improper tyre pressure (check the pressure before you drive off!).
    • Battery Blues: A dead battery can leave you stranded. Extreme temperatures, leaving lights on accidentally, or even short trips can all contribute to a drained battery.
    • Warning Light Woes: Don’t ignore those dashboard lights! They’re there to alert you to potential problems. Ignoring them can lead to more serious issues down the road (pun intended).
  • Driver Errors: A little forgetfulness can turn into a big inconvenience:

    • Fuel Faux Pas: Running out of gas or putting in the wrong type of fuel can be easily avoided with a quick check before you depart. Ensure you know the fuel type required by the car and plan your gas station stops strategically.
    • Mishaps with Manuals: If you’re not accustomed to driving a manual transmission car, accidentally stalling or riding the clutch can lead to problems. Be honest about your driving experience when renting a car.
    • Ignoring the Manual: Rental car manuals are often overlooked, but they contain valuable information on the vehicle’s operation and potential warning signs. A glance can prevent misuse and potential breakdowns.
  • Road Warriors: External factors can also play a role in breakdowns:

    • Weather Warriors: Extreme heat or cold can affect your car’s performance. Overheating or problems starting the engine in frigid temperatures are potential issues.
    • Pothole Problems: Uneven roads and unexpected potholes can cause damage to tyres, wheels, or even the car’s undercarriage. Drive cautiously on unfamiliar roads and be aware of potential road hazards.
    • Off-Roading Adventures: Rental car agreements typically restrict off-road driving. Taking the car on rugged terrain it’s not meant for can lead to serious breakdowns and potential voiding of your insurance coverage.


Tips for Preventing Breakdowns 

While a flat tyre or dead battery can happen to anyone, there are steps you can take to significantly reduce your chances of a breakdown derailing your rental car adventure. Here’s how to be proactive and enjoy a smooth ride:

  • Inspect Before You Depart: Don’t just hop in and go! Take a few minutes to inspect the car. Walk around the vehicle and check for any existing dents or scratches (document them with photos or videos if you find any). Then, pop the hood:

    • Tyre Time: Check the tyre pressure of all four tyres, including the spare (if equipped). Proper inflation is crucial for safety and fuel efficiency. Don’t forget to check for any visible signs of damage on the tyres.
    • Fluid Frenzy: Most cars have a dipstick or reservoir for checking engine oil, coolant, and windshield washer fluid. Consult the manual to locate them and ensure fluid levels are within the recommended range.
  • Master the Manual: Don’t be intimidated by the rental car manual! It’s your secret weapon for preventing breakdowns. Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the car’s controls, especially if it’s a different make or model than you’re used to driving. Additionally, locate important information like emergency procedures (like jumpstarting a dead battery) and where to find essential fluids like the ones you checked earlier.

  • Plan Your Route Like a Pro: A little planning goes a long way. Choose well-maintained roads whenever possible, especially on longer journeys. This will minimize the risk of encountering unexpected potholes or road hazards that could damage the car.

  • Fuel Up for Success: Running out of gas is a surefire way to put a halt to your trip. Factor in gas station locations, particularly on long stretches of road, and don’t wait until the tank is empty to refuel. Knowing the fuel type required by the car (usually indicated near the gas cap or in the manual) is also crucial to avoid putting in the wrong fuel, which can cause major engine problems.

Be Prepared: Precautionary Measures 

Taking these steps before hitting the road can save you time and hassle in an emergency: 

  • Rental Car Inspection: Take photos or videos of the car’s condition upon pick-up, documenting any existing dents or scratches. 
  • Understand Your Insurance: Review the rental agreement to understand what’s covered by the included insurance and what additional coverage you might need. Consider purchasing additional liability protection (LIS) or roadside assistance for peace of mind. 

Breakdown Blues: 

  1. Safety First: Pull over to a safe location away from traffic. Turn on your hazard lights and, if possible, park on a flat, even surface. 
  1. Assess the Situation: Can you identify the cause of the breakdown (flat tyre, dead battery, etc.)? If it’s a minor issue you can handle yourself (like changing a tyre) and you feel safe doing so, proceed with caution. 
  1. Contact for Help: Most rental companies offer roadside assistance. Locate the contact information in your rental agreement or on the car itself. They can dispatch a tow truck or mechanic to get you back on the road. 
  1. Keep Records: Document the breakdown with photos or videos, including the car’s location and any damage. Note the time and date and keep copies of any receipts for repairs you might need to pay for upfront. 
  1. Communicate with the Rental Company: Inform them about the situation and follow their instructions regarding the vehicle and any necessary paperwork. 

Accident Aftermath: 

  1. Ensure Safety: Check yourself and your passengers for injuries. If anyone is hurt, call emergency services immediately (dial the local emergency number or universal emergency number 112). 
  1. Secure the Scene: Turn on hazard lights and set up warning triangles or flares (if available) to alert oncoming traffic. Do not move your car unless it’s blocking traffic or unsafe to remain in its position. 
  1. Exchange Information: If others are involved, calmly exchange contact and insurance details with all parties involved. Note any witnesses and their contact information. 
  1. Contact Authorities: File a police report, even for minor accidents. This will document the incident and be crucial for insurance purposes. 
  1. Notify the Rental Company: Inform them about the accident as soon as possible. Provide details of the incident and follow their instructions regarding the vehicle and any required paperwork. 

Remember: Don’t admit fault or discuss the accident with anyone except the police and your insurance company representative. 


What to Do in Case of a Breakdown

A breakdown can disrupt your travel plans, but staying calm and following these steps can help you get back on track: 

  • Secure the Scene: Pull over to a safe location away from traffic. Turn on your hazard lights and, if possible, park on a flat, even surface. 
  • Assess the Situation: Try to identify the cause of the problem. Is it a flat tyre, a dead battery, or something more serious? If it’s a minor issue you can handle yourself (like changing a tyre) and you feel safe doing so, proceed with caution. 
  • Contact for Help: Most rental companies offer roadside assistance. Locate the contact information in your rental agreement or on a sticker inside the glove compartment. They can dispatch a tow truck or mechanic to get you back on the road. 
  • Document Everything: Take photos or videos of the breakdown, including the car’s location and any damage. Note the time and date of the incident. Keep copies of any receipts for repairs you might need to pay for upfront. 
  • Communicate with the Rental Company: Inform them about the situation and follow their instructions regarding the vehicle and any necessary paperwork. They may advise you to wait for assistance or direct you to a nearby repair shop approved by the rental company. 

Dealing with Rental Car Accidents

An accident can be a frightening experience. Here’s what to do to ensure everyone’s safety and handle the situation effectively: 

  • Stop and Check for Injuries: The most important thing is to check yourself and your passengers for injuries. If anyone is hurt, call emergency services immediately (dial the local emergency number or universal emergency number 112). 
  • Secure the Scene: Turn on hazard lights and set up warning triangles or flares (if available) to alert oncoming traffic. Do not move your car unless it’s blocking traffic or unsafe to remain in its position. 
  • Exchange Information: If others are involved, calmly exchange contact and insurance details with all parties involved. Take note of any witnesses and their contact information as well. 
  • Contact Authorities: File a police report, even for minor accidents. This will document the incident and be crucial for insurance purposes. The police will also be able to provide further guidance on the scene. 
  • Notify the Rental Company: Inform them about the accident as soon as possible. Provide details of the incident and follow their instructions regarding the vehicle and any required paperwork. They may ask you to return the car to a specific location or arrange for a replacement vehicle. 

Remember: Don’t admit fault or discuss the accident with anyone except the police and your insurance company representative. 

Aftermath and Follow-Up

Once the immediate situation is under control, there are still some steps to take: 

  • Report the Incident: File an accident report with the rental company, even if the police report has already been filed. This will be part of their internal record of the incident. 
  • Contact Your Insurance Provider: Report the accident to your auto insurance company if you have rental car coverage. They can assist you with navigating the claim process and potential repairs. 
  • Understand Legal Implications: Depending on the accident details and local laws, there could be legal repercussions. If you have any concerns, consult with an attorney specializing in car accidents. 
  • Seek Further Assistance: If you need help dealing with the rental company, your insurance company, or any legal matters, consider contacting a consumer protection agency or travel assistance service. 


Knowing what to do in case of a breakdown or accident with a rental car can make a big difference in a stressful situation. By following these steps, staying calm, and being prepared, you can minimize delays and navigate the situation effectively. Remember, a little preparation can go a long way in ensuring a smooth and safe rental car experience. 

Uh-Oh on the Road? Don’t Worry, Alpha Car Hire Has You Covered (Even with Breakdowns!)

Let’s face it, unexpected situations can arise on any road trip. A flat tyre here, a dead battery there – while these can be inconvenient, they shouldn’t derail your adventure. Here at Alpha Car Hire, we understand that breakdowns happen. That’s why we provide excellent customer service and roadside assistance to get you back on track quickly and efficiently.

But even better, with a little preparation, you can minimize the chances of a breakdown in the first place! This guide will equip you with the knowledge and steps to navigate these situations calmly and effectively, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable rental car experience with Alpha Car Hire.

Ready to hit the road with confidence? Book your Alpha Car Hire rental today!