When you go on a trip away, it can be very tempting to head for the cheapest option. Cheap food, cheap accommodation, even cheap transport. But each of these things also comes at a price. Although not always true, in many situations you get what you pay for. That is why it is vital you check all the inclusions, terms and conditions and any hidden fees or surprises before committing to something. This is especially true with car rental.

happy couple
Choose a company you can trust even if it costs a little extra and have a stress free holiday!

Hiring a car is a great way to save money while on holiday, as you can find those hidden spots, don’t have to wait for public transport and don’t have to pay the high fees of taxis found around the globe. However, this doesn’t mean car hire is fool proof and it is important to do your research before committing.


A cheap price may also mean you miss out on the essentials. Do you have everything you need to get where you want to go? Check for limited kilometres, the company’s range of vehicles, if they are serviced regularly and what is included with the rental. Try to do the research online before visiting in person by looking at their website and customer reviews.

Terms and Conditions
Read the fine print! Many of us just agree without care, but this can end up costing you more in the long run. Check for any rules related to driving, insurance and what will happen if there are any accidents or the car breaks down.

Hidden Extras
This is a big trap for many. Cheap car hire can often mean a large excess. If the car is in good condition, you think you can handle it well and therefore won’t get into an accident, you might want to consider everyone else on the road. Also keep in mind that you will be driving in a foreign place.

One company offering affordable car hire in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and beyond – without any hidden nasties – is Alpha Car Hire. Visit them online to find out more or call 1300 22 74 73 to chat to one of their friendly representatives.