Summer in Australia brings with it an over whelming number of festivals to pick from. Some last only a day, others span over the course of three or four. For multiple day festivals, it is hard to know exactly what to expect and what you may need. So whether you are headed to Falls Festival, Meredith, Peats Ridge or another alternative festivals, here are a few dos and don’ts to point you in the right direction and ensure you get the most out of this festival season!


  1. Get a good group of friends together! There is nothing worse then facing the camping sites, the travel, or the long days alone or with a group of people that don’t get a long or don’t really want to be there.
  2. Pack a lot of food! The last thing you want to do is rely solely on Festival food. Not only is it expensive there is guaranteed to be long lines.
  3. Pack clothes for all weather! Remember, you are in Australia. Just because the sun is shining one day, doesn’t mean it will be the next and nights can get cold quickly. Pick up some ponchos cheap before you get there. You don’t want to miss out on music because of a little bit of rain!


  1. Rely on your phone. There won’t be many opportunities to charge and phone and reception is normally unreliable.
  2. Take anything too valuable. There will be a lot of time where you are not at your tent. The last thing you want is to have to worry about things getting lost, broken or stolen.
  3. Forget to drink water. You will be outside for three days straight in the sun. The last thing you want is to end up dehydrated at the emergency care tent instead of enjoying music with your friends.

Want to get to the music festival comfortably and conveniently? Get a car hire from Alpha today!